How to Write About Unfamiliar Subjects

Though 11th grade English teachers everywhere advise their pupils to “write what they know,” professional copywriters and content creators often have to tackle confusing subject matter that they don’t “know” at all. Indeed, learning how to write about difficult topics in a clear, concise way is an essential skill for aspiring professionals. This is especially true for freelancers looking to add to their portfolio and diversify their resume. To that end, today we’ll explore four tips writers of all skill levels can use to create content about unfamiliar material:


Obvious, yes, but you’d be amazed how few copywriters actually take the time to learn the nuances of the businesses they represent. The good news is, it’s never been easier to develop an understanding on a wide array of topics thanks, of course, to the internet. Pro tip: instructional videos can be a content creator’s best friend when they’re struggling to get started with a tricky task. Whether you’re trying to write a product description for a cellstar 24 well plate, or introduce a new cooking utensil, seeing how something works with your own two eyes can be massively beneficial.

Employ Metaphors, Similes, and Snowclones

Writers who address esoteric subjects have to work extra hard to make their content accessible. (Otherwise no one will read it and it will offer no value to your business or website.) As such, metaphors, similes, and snowclones can all help you discuss the arcane in familiar terms. When you say your product is the “Cadillac of (insert industry here),” everyone will know what you’re talking about instantly.

Use Precise Wording and Punctuation

Just because a subject is confusing, it doesn’t give you as the writer an excuse to write in an unclear manner. Rather, the more difficult the topic, the more precise your writing needs to be. Therefore, always ensure you strive to use exact terminology and to punctuate correctly. It may sound small, but even misplacing a comma in a sentence can vastly alter the meaning of your message.

Call in a Pro or Collaborate

For business owners who run their own website or blog, it’s advantageous to solicit expert views and invite guest writers to share their opinions on cutting-edge developments in your industry. Remember, there’s no shame in asking for outsider perspectives because your readers will surely appreciate them. For freelancers, though, hiring a guest writer isn’t a viable option. Instead, you should look to develop helpful contacts who can collaborate with you on difficult projects. Calling on a reliable source for a little assistance can make even the most daunting tasks more manageable.