How To Help A Friend Who Is Disappointed and Sad?

It is a general rule that you have to help out a friend when in need – that’s what friends are for. Naturally, friends get sad, as do you. While some tactics work on you, you have no idea whether they work for them too. So how to cheer them up the right way?

You know your friend well, but not everyone copes with things the same way. Not just that. The consolation will depend on the reason for your friend’s disappointment and sadness. That’s why you must act accordingly. Here are some suggestions.

Your Friend Didn’t Pass an Exam That Was Really Important for Him/Her

This might not seem a legit reason for being sad, but for some people, education is very important. Failing on an exam can cause anxiety and normally, disappointment.

Taking action here is probably the easiest in comparison with the next few situations. You need to point out that although education is extremely important, failing an exam is not the end of the world. There are a lot of more difficult situations in life, and being sad for something that can be solved is a waste of time. Instead, suggest going out for the night, playing online casino games, calling your other friends and making dinner for all, plan a trip, go to a bar… anything that your friend will sign for.

Your Friend Got out of a Long Relationship or Got Divorced

Your friend is feeling lonelier than ever. Her/his life seems over, all hopes and dreams destroyed, fantasies about creating a family… all gone. Now, this is the time when you have to prove yourself to be a good friend. First, the essentials. Clean up the guest room and buy enough grocery – the chances are you two will be stuck in the apartment for a while.

Breaking up or getting divorced is never easy. You had all your hopes up, imagined what your kids’ names would be, where you will live… But most importantly, you had a person by your side you relied on, you loved and respected. And now you don’t.

Now, you, as a friend, have to act carefully. You first have to acknowledge that you're there for him/her. That you won't go anywhere. Second, you have to make sure your friend eats and drinks. And finally, you have to make a distraction. Plan something that will keep your friend's mind from what's ahead of him/her. With time, your friend will find the way.

Your Friend Lost a Close Person

This is the time where you have nothing to offer as a friend, but you still have a major role. A loss is devastating. A loss is terrible. A loss is inexplicable.

Knowing that your friend was so close to the deceased is hard on you. But you have to be strong for your friend. Don’t say anything: just be there. People who are grieving are only finding consolation in not being alone. Words are worthless. Hug your friend, let them grieve by your side and be sure your presence means a lot to them.