A Seasonal Guide to Having A Lush Lawn Every Year

There are two different types of homeowners in the world; those who are satisfied to have a lackluster lawn and those who want the best lawn possible. If you are a homeowner that wants to have a lush lawn each and every year, there are things you can do to make sure you are moving the needle in that direction. The following tips can help you as a seasonal guide, so you can have a fantastic lawn and enjoy your outdoor living environment to the greatest extent possible.

First of all, it's important to understand that a fantastic lawn is not going to happen by accident. It is also good to have a reasonable goal because you are not going to hit perfection, regardless of what you put into it. There are always going to be unknown factors that can affect your lawn in a negative way. If you put the work into it all four seasons, however, you are going to love what you see when you look outside.

The best time to start is in the spring. This is the time of year when everything starts to turn green and the long, winter months are over. The first thing that you should do during this time is to test the soil to see if it is deficient. One of the things that you will test during this time is the acidity of the soil. If you want a lush lawn, you need to shoot for a neutral pH, but you'll rarely ever find it when spring first starts. It may be necessary for you to add something to the lawn to get it to the proper pH level.

You probably already noticed that the lawn is beginning to get a start on its own. It starts to turn green immediately during the early growing season, but you can also take the proper steps to give it the necessary support. It may be necessary to detach lawn in the spring to allow nutrients to get down into the soil and last all summer long. You should also ensure that your lawn is properly mowed and trimmed when it first starts growing.

The spring is also a great time to start any type of chemical treatment on the lawn, including fertilizers and/or weed and feed. Just be cautious about adding too many chemicals to the lawn because you can cause some stress. To know more about using chemicals on your lawn, contact your local professional.

The summer months are more of a maintenance time for the lawn, but it will take some ongoing work on your part to ensure that the lawn stays lush and green. One of the most important things you will need to do during the summer months is to water your lawn. Unfortunately, this is also where many homeowners tend to fall short of the mark. It isn't just a matter of watering the lawn frequently, you need to water it at the right time of day and you need to water it with enough water to really make a difference.

If you want to take your watering to the top level possible, you need to track how much rain is falling and adjust accordingly. In most cases, you should water the lawn every few days but if you are in a dry season, you may need to water every 2 days if necessary. Just keep an eye on your water bill, because it can add up really quickly.

When you water the lawn, make sure you are using enough water so that it gets down to the roots. The general recommendation is to use at least 1 inch of water on the lawn each time you water it. If you briefly water the lawn, the roots are going to get shallow and you will have a very hard time keeping the lawn lush and green throughout the summer.

If you live in a hot weather environment during the summertime, adjust the mower so that you are leaving more grass on the lawn. If you mow it too short, you will end up burning the lawn. Yes, you have to move more frequently but it will be well worth it! Make sure that you maintain the mower throughout the summer so that you are cutting the grass and not ripping it.

If you see any specific problems during the summertime, such as brown patches, make sure that you take care of them immediately. It may only be a matter of a neighborhood dog relieving itself on your lawn, but it could also be fungus, bugs or other problems. Treat these issues early and it will keep them for getting out of control.

When the autumn time of the year arrives, it is time to thatch the lawn again. Doing so will allow the water and nutrients to reach deep down into the soil all winter long. You should also allow the grass to grow until it gets to seed. This can be difficult for a diehard lawncare homeowner, but it is really going to make a difference in the following year. Make sure that you rake up all of the leaves so that the light can reach the soil and you don't end up with any brown patches in the spring.

Finally, you have the winter time of the year. You might think that there wasn't much you could do on the lawn during this time of year but in reality, it's the perfect time to work on your lawn equipment. When the spring finally arrives, you want to make sure that you hit the ground running and the last thing you would want is a mower that is hard to start or other lawn equipment that is not up to snuff.

Make sure that you prepare everything during the winter. When the grass starts growing in the spring, you will be out enjoying the lawn once again and taking care of it in the warmer months. The winter really ends the cycle, but it is also the beginning of yet another lush lawn. You can contact http://discoverziehler.com for more tips.