Memorial Diamonds: An Innovative Approach to Remembering a Loved One

A memorial diamond is a thing of beauty. Made of human ashes, its value goes beyond people’s basic understanding. That’s because nothing matters more to a human being than capturing the essence of their beloved in a genuine memorial diamond.

A memorial diamond inserted in an Engagement ring

Commonly known as a cremation diamond, these beautiful jewels can make the perfect gift for someone special in your life. Created in a gemological lab, there are more types you can consider, including pet ashes to diamonds, hair diamonds, and more. Free from any type of unstable chemicals, heavy metals, and coloring additives, memorial diamonds are 100% pure, authentic, and safe to wear as jewelry.

Since every culture has its own beliefs, these precious keepsakes can be a brand-new way to remember someone you care deeply about. In some countries from Asia, United Kingdom, and North America people choose cremation rather than bury their loved ones. The reasons vary. People have become more opened to keeping remains in an urn, or throw the ashes into the sea; the reason is because they want to set the soul of the beloved free.

Traditional burial habits in the U.K. vs. new burial habits in 2017

Traditional burial habits VS new burial habits

Most people in Europe – in the U.K., to be more specific - are either Christians or Catholics. Their religion compels them to bury their loved ones; have a traditional funeral and wear black clothes for a specified number of days. However, a new way of remembering the beloved has recently emerged in the U.K.: turning cremation ashes into diamond.

Increasingly more people in the U.K. want to be close to their loved ones even after death; choosing to turn ashes into diamond. The mere idea of wearing a piece of jewelry which looks amazing; and reminds them of someone important in their life, is reason enough to choose making diamonds from ashes.

The cremation is a process that reduces the body to basic elements; commonly known to the average individual as “ashes”. It takes place in a special chamber, called a crematory or retort. Until several years ago, it was a widespread practice in Asian countries. However, a lot of people in the U.K. also choose this method over the traditional one.

This is how the idea of memorial diamonds took shape. It basically answers an important question many people have: where is my beloved going? The answer is simple: they’re not going anywhere, and by choosing to turn their ashes into diamond, now you can actually keep them with you forever; and even pass the piece of jewelry accompanied by the diamond on to the next generation.

Swiss company “Lonité” opens new branch in London

Among the giants of the memorial diamond industry, we can find the Swiss company Lonité. The Helvetic company based in downtown Zürich, have offices around the world in Australia, Germany and the United-States.

Due to its rapid expansion throughout Europe, Lonité has recently opened a branch in London at 50 Liverpool Street. People interested in making a diamond from ashes can make an appointment and will be welcomed by a member of the team that will guide them through the entire process.

How specialists proceed to turn your loved one’s ashes into a diamond

In case you didn’t know, the human body has in its composition 18% carbon. The memorial diamonds made by Lonité are manufactured from pure carbon. They’re crafted from cremated bones, hair, or cremation ashes. To ensure the customer of the exquisite quality of the diamonds, the company provides a GIA certification.

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Memorial diamonds grown in laboratory

Unlike conventional diamonds, making diamonds from ashes has a different origin. The carbon atoms are manufactured from a person’s cremated remains and grown in a laboratory; rather than from minerals found underground.

Following the cremation process of the hair or ashes, the ashes are placed in a controlled chamber; so that the synthesis of making a diamond from ashes process can begin. The ashes are made into diamonds during this phase. In the final phase, color and size is established; it usually depends on the elements present inside the ashes. Companies like Lonité offer the following:

. Laser inscription: your memorial diamonds can be named after your lost loved ones. You can customize it with either phrases or the actual name on the girdle of the diamond.

. ID tracking: For instant, with Lonité you can track your diamond, and know where it is every step of the way, and from anywhere.

. Flawless diamond cutting: carbon impurities lead to flaws. This is not the case of Lonité memorial diamonds; which are made at high level pressure temperatures that can only sustain the purest carbon forms.

Memorial Diamonds’ cost in the U.K.

As far as price is concerned, we should mention that diamonds from ashes are similarly priced as real diamonds. In general, the cost depends on the customer’s desired size, shape, and cut. In the U.K. memorial diamonds’ cost begin at £1400 for a 4mm piece; and can go up to £16,000 for a 6.5mm.

The cut is exquisite, and you have the opportunity to decide on a nuance, size and shape. In general, the process is detailed and everything details on the amount you have available for the synthesis and transformation process into a high-quality memorial diamond.

Memorial Diamonds; How perceptions have changed

Memorial diamonds made from ashes have a sentimental, profound value that no other diamond has. Recently, people have started preferring them more because they are associated with their loved ones. The mere thought of having someone you cared about with you all the time is reassuring and meaningful. That’s why memorial diamonds have had so much traction in the past few years.

Things has changed because people’s perception has changed. We no longer want to go to the church or cemetery to shed a tear, or get emotional when remembering we’ve lost someone. A beautifully carved memorial diamond seems like a much more suitable option.

The general cost of turning ashes to diamonds may seem overwhelming to most people. However, a traditional funeral such as burial cost much more nowadays. The main benefit of a memorial diamond is that you can wear it as an accessory; or place it somewhere in your home and admire every time you miss a loved one.

Turning ashes into diamonds - a new way of remembering our loved ones

As human beings, we want the people who we care most about to be with us forever. Since that’s impossible, the trend of making diamonds made from ashes has become a trend in the U.K. It’s natural to want to hold on to someone you loved; rather than keep their remains in an urn, or bury them according to traditional practices; getting yourself a customized diamond and placed gently in a piece of jewelry is the best thing you can do to remember they are by your side at any hour of the day and honor them in a magnificent way.