How Your Phone Could Save Your Life While Traveling

Phones can’t save lives… can they? When you’re away on your travels, often the last thing you want is to be bothered by the same mundane things that you are at home. An escape from the digital age is often very welcome but phones can help save your live (figuratively) and save your life (literally), too.

"Thailand - Krabi" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Traveller-Reini

Killing That Boredom

It’s not all glamor when you’re traveling; there’s a lot of downtime as well. Waiting for or on various forms of transport can be incredibly annoying, not to mention dull. There are lots of ways your phone can help you to pass the time, whether you’re looking to do something practical or fun.

When you’re bored, it’s the perfect time to do all the things you’ve been putting off. Practical things for your trip like making budgets or booking the next leg are all easily done through apps that you can download for times like this.

Of course, sometimes you need to use the time just to have fun and relax. Gaming is really easy on your phone, giving you a way to pass the time. Casino games like video slots can be a boon too, and come in a variety of different themes, based on popular culture or with unique storylines of their own. For instance, the website has games based on Game of Thrones and Jurassic Park, among other franchises. You’ll be kept entertained for hours – see? Lifesaving.

Staying Connected

Sometimes travel takes us away from people back home that we care about, whether we’re traveling on our own or not. Smartphones keep us connected literally all the time, whether through social media or video-calling apps.

You can also make plans with people on the road. The more you travel, the more friends you make, from all over the world. Phones give us a practical element when it comes to staying in touch. There are even Facebook groups where you can interact with other travelers with your interests, such as Girls Love Travel for women. Obviously, you can also use your phone for showing off on social media, too. There’s nothing wrong with uploading a few snaps to Instagram, every now and again!

"Beach" (CC BY 2.0) by kansasphoto

It Can Literally Save Your Life

Of course, leisure aside, there are some really important safety features of phones which allow us to get help in an emergency. When you’re away, always learn the emergency services phone number of the country you’re visiting. Download apps like Uber for making a quick exit in times of need, and download Google Maps for looking at offline, in case you get lost.

Your phone can also store your documents as well. It’s good to keep those on hand, in case you need to quickly bring up proof of your visa, funds available in your account, or of a ticket home. Sometimes you’ll be questioned about your intentions, and having copies of everything will make your life so much easier.

Just make sure that you’re smart yourself, and not just with the use of your smartphone. When you’re traveling, you never know what might happen next, so just keep your phone safe, and yourself even safer!