Small Business Marketing: Competing Against The Major Player


As a small business owner, it is likely that you look at the bigger companies in your business with a little envy. They have the big budgets and infinite resources that you can only dream of, after all. And when it comes to marketing, they have the ability to make a much bigger noise than you. So, how can you possibly compete online against the major players? We’re going to explore some of your options today, so read on and let’s start leveling the playing field.

Perfect your website

The first step you need to take is to improve your site. Far too many small business owners take the cheap option, every time, feeling that ‘being online’ is enough. It isn’t. Your online presence should never be just ‘because,' it needs to have clarity, focus, and must compel your customers to take action. Be clear what you are selling, and people will know what you are about the instant when they arrive. Laser focus your message so it is solving the problems of your ideal customer. And, finally, convince them to take the action you want them to take by the time they leave their site.

Invest in high-quality SEO

Your website might look fantastic and have a strong and compelling message, but without visitors, no one is buying anything. You need a robust strategy in place to attract the right traffic to your site. Investment in SEO is critical, of course - look around for a suitable SEO company local online marketing firm. However, it’s equally vital that you choose the right agency to work with. It’s an uncomfortable truth that many online marketers and SEO firms will use undesirable tactics to fudge your rankings. The trouble is, the second Google gets a whiff of these tactics, it’s going to be game over for your website. Look for reputable firms and white hat SEO reseller programs for the long term, and you will get better results.


Build an email list

Email is still the best way to get in touch with your prospects and customers, so encourage your visitors to sign up to your list. You can do this during the checkout process, or by offering an enticing free download - an e-book packed with valuable info, for example. Once you have their contact details, send them educational, interesting emails every once in awhile. However, be careful that you don’t spam them. If you can provide them with a lot of value, you will find you build up a loyal and steady stream of customers.

Take advantage of the competition

Finally, ensure you are taking competitor analysis seriously. You can use analytics tools to build up a picture of where the major players are targeting their efforts. Look at the strengths and weaknesses of the competition and figure out where you have an edge. You can also seek out complementary businesses to your own. Try partnering with them, and offer a wider range of products and services to your customers.

Competing with the major players can be difficult - but it’s far from impossible. If you are a small business owner who has been successful taking on the big guns, let us know about your strategies below!