Five Steps To Business Creativity

Thinking creative often is challenging. Innovation can lead to the great success but can prove to be a great disappointment. It may seem safer to leave creativity to others and remain rigid and stable. But today it is the same as letting essay writing Australia write your papers instead of studying on your own. In order to be the real leader, you should develop corresponding qualities. The thing is to keep the balance.

1.Try to be lazy

Allow yourself to be lazy sometimes. When you are too diligent, you keep yourself busy all the time and just don't allow yourself relax and dream. But dreaming is essential to invent, to make out things. It may even refer to the very beginning of your own business – you can spend the rest of your life as a quite prosperous mid-level manager remaining tense and diligent, but you can find a time to invent a new product or business you want to start!

2. Read. Observe. Explore

Read the articles in specialized magazines related to your work and the life examples. Try to understand the aspects of your business that are not directly associated with your responsibilities or your department. Read something to broaden your mind, like books about evolution or cosmology. The general principles of the world structure can inspire you for new productive business ideas! Observe your industry today's problems and challenges, try to learn from the past and look far into its future. Look what the leaders are doing, and, what is more significant, what they are not doing. You can see something, that the others had skipped, and make use of it.

3. Don't be too critical at once

There's really an extremely small possibility to produce a brilliant and operational idea at once. Don't be afraid to brainstorm and try something new. Some not-so-good ideas can inspire others to suggest better ones. You may find more or less innovative ways of problem solving on the path of business creativity. Consider them all.

4. Analyze and combine

Surely, creative ideas do not appear out of thin air. Primarily, gather all possible information on the topic and analyze it. Organize a brainstorm – try to do a cross-department meeting. Maybe, the employees from another department with fresh eyes will help to find an innovative decision, that can be elaborated and finalized by the specialists. Do mind mapping. Some really good and creative ideas are not about inventing new things, but about finding a new combination and utilization of information, products, and services that already existed.

5. Validate

Let's return to challenges and risks. Now, when you have got some new ideas, discuss them with the team. Sometimes it is helpful to present them to the focus group of the potential customers. Try to figure out how it will work, not only how you'd like it to work. Make a list of your idea positive features and drawbacks. Do a research – maybe, someone had already tried something like this. Was the attempt successful? If not, what was wrong – the idea itself or its implementation?

Repeat the steps again and again! Even a brilliant idea won't be innovative forever!