Web App Development: PHP or Ruby on Rails?

When companies set out to develop a web app for their business, they have to brace to contend with a variety of challenges and figure out solutions that will serve their requirements and interests. Now, as mentioned above, there are many issues to be sorted and as many questions to be answered. However, perhaps none is as important as deciding the technology that will serve as their web app's rock solid foundation. Also, given the fact that there is no shortage of options in that context, the decision becomes even more challenging. Moreover, yet, most find themselves contemplating the choice between Ruby and PHP.

PHP is among the most sought-after scripting languages in the market, while Ruby on Rails has amply proved its mettle in the developing world as well. What complicates matters even further are that not only did both of them emerge on the scene around the same time, i.e., during the 90s, and are underpinned by the C language, they are also both open-source programming languages typically utilized for creating robust web apps. Unfortunately, figuring out which one between Ruby and PHP is better suited for your business isn't easy either. It necessitates a painstakingly careful deliberation of a variety of factors before a final call can be made. However, don't worry, for we are here to help make that choice easier for you, even if by just a bit.

1. Performance: PHP 7.0 and its following iterations feature integrated web development abilities that, in turn, enhance performance and that too without consuming any additional memory. As a result, PHP's performance is further enhanced. On the other hand, Ruby on Rails does manage to efficaciously and quickly process requests, but it comes at a cost, i.e., much higher memory consumption.

2. Deployment time: Since the web is quite an integral part of PHP, it allows developers to integrate the code straightaway into HTML and execute it without necessitating the use of a framework. Also, PHP is quite straightforward to implement since one only has to transfer files to the web servers, thus making app deployment as easy as ABC.

Whereas Ruby utilizes swift development via the agile software development methodology. Also, since it is true-blue object-oriented programming, coding isn't a chore. Oh and before we, forget Ruby on Rails gets Gems, which are library integrations.

3. Development costs: The development ecosystem is brimming with PHP developers, which means finding a skilled developer for this one isn't hard. It isn't the case with Ruby on Rails at all since it is a complicated language and comes with a stiff learning curve.

There is no denying that Ruby on Rails is a truly potent option as a web app development language, but it is also hard to ignore the fact that PHP is decidedly among the most popular programming languages and there's a reason for that -- as demonstrated by the discussion above. Nonetheless, no matter if you decide to hire a vendor for custom PHP development services or look for one that offers Ruby on Rail-based development service, just make sure that your final decision is based on a close analysis of factors such as the ones we listed.