Personal Injury Suits in Canada

When we sustain an injury, our body responds in a few ways. One of the most common initial responses is to more or less shut down as a form of self-protection. People who are badly hurt often report some sort of adrenaline rush that makes it so they can’t feel the pain, or they at least can’t feel all of the pain. It’s why you sometimes hear about people who were just in horrific car accidents calmly talking to paramedics even if they have a bone sticking out of their leg. It’s why athletes injured on the playing field may not really recognize the pain until they’re loaded into an ambulance and transported to the hospital. But once the pain sets in, things can really get rough, and they can stay that way for a while.

Where to lay the blame

There’s a saying that goes something like, “There are no real accidents,” but that’s an oversimplification. There doesn’t have to be a deeper meaning to every single thing. Sometimes we trip and fall because our feet are big and we’re clumsy, not because of some vast conspiracy. Sometimes, of course, we slip and fall because a custodian has been mopping the area and didn’t put up any “Caution: Wet Floor” signs. Just like sometimes we wreck our car because it’s rainy and we’re not paying attention, sometimes we also wreck our car because it’s rainy and someone else on the road wasn’t paying attention. Nuance matters a whole lot when it comes to injuries, and sometimes you need an outside expert to help you sort through the nuances. Why is that important? Because when we’re too close to something, it’s harder for us to view it through an objective lense.

It’s also critical to note that a layman’s definition of “blame” isn’t necessarily the same as a court’s definition of blame. Legal liability can look a lot different than most people think it does. When you’re looking at filing a personal injury case, the term “certain duty of care” is a good one to remember. The other party has to be careless or negligent somehow. If you’re walking to work and slip on a patch of icy sidewalk in front of someone’s house, it doesn’t mean that the person who owns the house owes you money. A lot of factors have to be considered first.

Local experts

If you get hurt in Richmond, British Columbia, it makes no sense to hire a personal injury lawyer based in Calgary or Seattle. Instead it’s important to do a search for something like Personal injury lawyer Richmond BC. There’s a tremendous variance in laws that occurs when you move from one country, state, or province to another country, state, or province. The location where the incident happened is the most important thing to consider. Some places have laws that are more favorable to certain types of personal injury suits than others. If a lawyer tells you that you don’t have a viable case, they’re probably not trying to be mean. They just want to be honest and keep you from wasting any more time looking for relief that may not exist.