Why do so many people choose organic products rather than regular ones? Let's figure out how organic foods can benefit your little one.
First, what are the characteristics of an organic farm? A critical aspect of organic farming is the proper location. Soil, water, and air free from industrial pollution are the main features of an ideal place. Besides, an organic farm should conduct its activities in such a way as to maximize environmental protection and not expose it to losses. Therefore, agriculture uses processes that occur in nature while maintaining respect for people and ensuring good conditions for animals.
Crop rotation, i.e., planning cultivation on the farm well in advance to protect the soil properties and fertility and thus obtain the best quality products, is one of the main methods of cultivating an organic farm. Along with it, green and natural fertilizers and composts from the same farm should be used to maintain proper soil fertility. To protect crops from weeds, it is worth using mechanical treatments rather than chemical ones. Animals living in organic farms should have free access to the paddock and be free of antibiotics and growth stimulants. It is also essential to feed them with natural feeds. The most important thing is that the animals grow up at their natural pace. Therefore, when you order an organic baby formula from Europe, you can be assured that it is made of cow's or goat's milk of high quality. Besides, when buying organic products, you care of and support nature even more so that it will serve many generations to come.
Health benefits of organic food
Another advantage of organic food is its nutritional value, which may be higher than in regular food. An international research team coordinated by prof. Carlo Leifert of Newcastle University analyzed 343 published studies on organic and conventionally grown vegetables, fruits, and cereals. The analysis showed that in terms of chemical composition, organic food differs from conventional food and has a health-promoting effect. Compared to conventional raw materials, the following were found in organic raw materials:
significantly higher concentration of polyphenols (by 17%);
higher content of phenolic acids (by 19%), flavanones (by 69%), stilbenes (28%), flavones (by 26%), flavonols (50%), and anthocyanins (51%);
higher content of xanthophylls and carotenoids, including lutein and vitamin C;
significantly higher dry matter content, which results in better sensory quality - more pronounced taste, aroma, and tighter consistency;
significantly higher content of total carbohydrates and lower content of proteins, amino acids, and fiber;
48% lower cadmium content;
30% lower nitrate content, and 87% lower nitrite content.
The results of these studies show that by eating organic vegetables and fruits, we provide the body with more antioxidants, which, due to their anti-inflammatory effect, prevent many civilization diseases (including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cancer, allergies, diseases of the digestive and nervous systems). And we are also convinced that the best formula to prevent constipation in babies should also be organic.
In conclusion, organic farming practices prioritize environmental protection and animal welfare, while also producing food with higher nutritional value. Studies have shown that organic food contains higher concentrations of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds, as well as lower levels of harmful chemicals. Choosing organic products, particularly for babies, can provide numerous health benefits and support sustainable farming practices. It is a good way to care for nature and ensure that it will serve many generations to come.