How to Improve Your Quality of Sleep

Sleep has a direct impact on your physical and mental wellbeing, and can significantly affect your quality of life. Sleep is often undervalued as unimportant, but shouldn’t be underestimated. By making simple changes to your daily routine, you can significantly improve how you sleep, enhancing your energy levels for performing everyday functions.

How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Your quality of sleep is largely dependent on lifestyle choices, where your daytime habits influence your nighttime patterns. Reducing unhealthy habits can boost heart health, creativity, the immune system, and vitality. By absorbing the tips mentioned below, you’ll improve the way you feel during the day and night. Sometimes, a simple solution like improving your comfort at bedtime can make a huge difference. This might include using a Waterbase Pillow, or installing a memory foam mattress to increase comfort and improve the likelihood you get to sleep in a timely fashion.

Stay in Tune with Your Sleep-Wake Cycle

Remaining in sync with your body’s circadian rhythm is a great strategy for sleeping better. With a regular sleep-wake schedule, you’ll feel much more refreshed than sleeping at different times each night. If you can, go to sleep and wake up at the same time daily. Your body will consequently set its internal clock accordingly to optimize quality of sleep.

It’s also important to avoid sleeping in, because if you alter your sleep schedule you’ll be more likely to experience jet lag type symptoms. Napping is a good way to make up for a late night, but limit naps to 15 to 20 minutes during the afternoon. If you get sleepy way before your bedtime, do something stimulating rather than giving into drowsiness. If you do give in, you may have trouble getting to sleep later that night.

Eat and Drink Sensibly

Your eating habits play a role in your quality of sleep, during the day and especially in the hours leading up to bedtime. Caffeine can cause sleep problems up to twelve hours after drinking it, and big meals before bed are a definite no. Dinner in the early evening is preferred, while avoiding rich foods within two hours of going to sleep. If you struggle with your weight and diet in general, aids like Stimerex are a fantastic way to get in good shape, and with good health comes great sleep. This will also help you avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates, which have a tendency to trigger wakefulness and prevent you entering deep sleep.

ExerciseThis will increase the time you spend in deep sleep and improve restorative stages of sleep. The more you exercise, the greater your sleep benefits, but even light exercise has been known to improve sleep quality. It’s important to be patient and focus on developing positive habits that stick. It’s important to note exercise speeds up your metabolism, stimulates hormone control, and raises your body temperature. Though this isn’t an issue during the day, it can interfere with sleep during the evening. Try to work out at least three hours before bedtime, but work towards developing a manageable routine that works best for you.