How conference rooms are getting an attractive makeover

As a place for teams to make decisions, talk to clients, and hash out ideas, conference room has always been an important part of office life. Every office needs conference rooms, yet their location, design, and size evolving to fit in with the modern workplace. Well-designed spaces can minimize productivity and enhance focus so that meetings have a great chance of running of yielding and time the intended outcomes.

For today’s workforce, however, what makes an effective conference room is no longer necessarily the classic set-up of a single screen, large table, and several chairs, with a few paintings on a wall. A meeting might be anything from two people doing a quick conversation to a town hall, brainstorm session, or a more formal appointment with your clients.

Room for wellness

Greenery, natural light, and biophilic design have been shown to enhance wellness and concentration for employees, which is important in spaces where losing focus impacts productivity.

Recycled or natural materials are also increasingly popular for internal designs as companies aim to increase sustainability across their business, while armchairs and sofas make for more personable meeting spaces. Smart circadian systems can create a similar environment, if an office layout does not allow for conference or meeting rooms to be located by windows, then artificial lighting.

Designs are moving towards a more comfortable vibe, residential, as the way people meet and work more informal.

Specific meeting styles

The rise of flexible space is transforming the use of virtual office space to greatly facilitate agile collaboration and working. Sight-private booths and lounge areas that have comfortable seating are getting popular for small group meetings across a range of industries. And fully-enclosed pods are gathering traction, often kitted with whiteboard-style walls for easily moveable furniture and brainstorming.

Conference room designs are becoming more flexible and informal layouts, in line with the way we work. An effective design depends on how much privacy various meetings require and how a company operates. Conference rooms are often used to host clients and where confidential and sensitive information is discussed so the design must balance privacy and style, in terms of what can be heard and seen by people outside while also reflecting the image of the company.

Getting the technology right

Functionality remains an important factor for any design and companies are investing most in technology. Smart air-conditioning and lightning that automatically turn on when someone enters help create a fluid experience. While high-speed internet ensures cloud-based presentations waste valuable employee time and don’t drop out.

The latest technology is also enabling increasingly sophisticated videoconferencing, with tools such as smart interactive cameras and microphones and cameras that automatically zoom in on people who are speaking. Technology is increasingly available that helps remote presenters feel as if they are in the room. Where and how we work is changing but as long as there are offices, there will be conference rooms.

Companies increasingly demand various designs to cover all the bases. Conference rooms are getting a modern and attractive makeover, as every office needs a meeting or conference rooms.