We have all seen businesses crackle with energy while others are just trying to keep afloat. This is no coincidence; it is all in the way the business is run. A business with good organization, clear oversight, and proper planning is most likely to grow and prosper.

Below are a few steps to take for your small enterprise to stand out from the rest.

  • Have a business plan

Without a business plan, the business is just an idea or a mere dream. The plan is what turns the dream into reality. It does not have to be an encyclopedia but a few pages will also work. Note down the objectives of the business, the various strategies that will work for it and how much is needed for the smooth running of the business.

Also, come up with a sales and marketing plan. This is very critical to ensure the company survives. Note down all the marketing strategies that would apply to you and actualize them. For example, you could make use of the sales content automation software to automate and reconcile all your sales.

  • Reward teamwork

Teamwork is one of the major pillars that ensure business growth. Have clear goals for both you and your employees. Encourage some form of informality around the business premises and allow spontaneity among employees.

Encourage workers to think creatively and participate in various work-related tasks. Additionally, reward them for teamwork and a job well done. Incentives can be in the form of money or other privileges such as increased responsibility.

  • Set goals

There are two types of goals; short-term and long-term. Long-term goals are bigger challenges that require more time to tackle. However, breaking down these goals into a series of short-term goals will make them more achievable.

Also, ensure you have maximum focus when tackling these short-term goals so as not to ruin the possibility of achieving long-term goals.

  • Quantify customer satisfaction

Do not underestimate the power of quality customer service. One of its biggest benefits is it improves trust between you and your clients. This is how you will be able to make major profits while at the same time, saving costs.

Customers want convenience and they will run to the hills if a company cannot offer this. They are also looking for quality, variety, security and lower prices. Offering all those simultaneously may be a hard nut to crack but it is wise to find out through suggestion boxes and questionnaires what your clients want most. After collecting the above information, you can now adjust your business strategy accordingly.

  • Appoint heads

Running a business is not a one-man affair. Appoint various professionals to lead the various departments in your company. The main advantage of this is to maximize effectiveness.

To ensure transparency, outsource professionals like auditors. This will also ensure the company is legally confirmed. Besides, lawbreakers will easily be caught and further action taken against them.

Adopt other routine oversight measures where the Board of Trustees or any other entity can look into financial records as they look for any outstanding discrepancies.

  • Listen

A good business owner will put his pride aside, bury his ego and listen to others; especially those that have made it. Advisors are critical for any business. Everyone needs that set of people with whom you can bounce ideas off. It is in this process that they will inspect what you are doing and push you to do better than expected.

They will also hold you accountable for your actions and make you follow through with your commitments no matter how challenging they may seem.

Additionally, avoid taking advice personally. Try to remain objective and understand that this is about the business and not you. Listen and put that ego at bay.

  • Make use of the internet

The Internet is one of the most powerful marketing mediums that we have. It is also cost-effective but requires time and basic skill.

Make use of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest to market your products and services as well as drive traffic to your business. Build your rapport with clients to promote customer engagements. If you do not do this, it’s your loss because your competitors are doing it.