How To Configure Session Replay In Marketing Automation

But, the problem is merely implementing the top-notch, latest tools won’t help you because most of them provide general solutions only. You need to find out personalized solutions to find out the actual causes of high bounce rates and low conversion rates.

Website speed is undoubtedly a crucial factor but making your prospects to click the checkout buttons needs further efforts. It’s practically impossible to ask every single visitor about their experiences on your site or app.

So, what is the solution?

Session replays

These real-time recordings will display a clear picture of your site in terms of user behaviors, activities, interactions, expressions, and experiences. Moreover, it’s a very much feasible and convenient option to go for.

Using the session replay technique, you can ensure better user experiences, brand awareness, and customer loyalty for your business.

Today, it’s the era of automation. Automation helps you to remain prepared in each and every step of customer interaction.

The good news is that a proper configuration of the session replay strategy will help you in marketing automation. Now, it’s time to check out how you can configure session replays in marketing automation:

Figuring out particular Landing Pages for observing Behavioral Trends:

Many professionals don’t use session replay software properly because they start figuring out hundreds and thousands of session replays from various pages, audiences, user groups, and different segments.

It’s the wrong way to analyze session recordings. This strategy actually takes excessive time and it will be an overwhelming situation with so many variables. As a result, you won’t get a statistically specific result.

However, it’s often the fault of the session recording software that doesn’t segregate data by particular landing pages or provide their users with the capability of setting customer filters.

To collect accurate data pieces, you need to narrow your observations:

Just start figuring out particular landing page session replays from a specific set of audiences to find out commonalities.

Before figuring out behavioral trends on landing pages, it’s very important to figure out where you should point the respective recording software.

You should run session replays on both of your best as well as worst landing pages. And then don’t forget to compare these results. How your website users are interacting with your website, forms, and other website elements? Which of the factors is acting as conversion barriers? Which of the website elements is helping in significant website engagement?

Once you figure out all these results, you have to make some better strategies for your landing page and execute them.

Don’t forget to monitor these results from time to time until you see any improvement in your conversion rates. Thus, you can easily make your marketing automation strategies and implement them on your website or application.

Divide Traffic into Multiple Visitor Segments:

When your goal is to increase conversion rates, you need to use session replays more than only analyzing particular landing pages. Undoubtedly, analysis of the landing page is very important but you’ll start collecting more data whenever you implement the segmentation process.

Suppose, your website’s conversion rates are low, the root causes can be improper Call to Action (CTA) button placement, confusing wording, or design. You need to find out the actual reason to correct the flaws.

To keep it simple different audience segments would react differently. And to serve each of the segments, you need to figure out how differently they perceive your website.

Find out Conversion Roadblocks Obstructing the Onboarding and Sales:

Once you make your website conversion-optimized, more and more users will likely start engaging with your website or app. But, the opposite scenario is not good for your business growth. That’s why it’s very important to find out and remove all conversion roadblocks.

Actually, conversion roadblocks are all element on a site that prevent prospects from converting into customers. These elements can be different page elements or copywriting elements.

In an e-commerce business, shipping can be a conversion roadblock that’s responsible for most of the cart abandonment.

Searching for various User Journeys with the help of Segmentation and Analysis:

Actually, the factor of user journeys is very important for optimizing your site’s or app’s user experience. But, many times, user journeys are very difficult to figure out many. You have to be informed about the following factors:

Which of your web pages a common audience segment has visited just for the first time?

Which of the pages did they visit on a second or third time?

Which are those pages different audience segments have visited?

Which of your web pages has driven most of the interactions and conversions?

What are the indications of the funnel stage depending on page visits?

Which of your web pages audiences never visit and have higher bounce rates?

You can’t find out answers to these questions unless you take help of session replay tools, as it’s practically impossible to call every single visitor and ask their experiences on their website.

Owing to session replay software, it will be easy for you to figure out the journey of your every single user with the factors like segmentation as well as page visits. As a result, you can design some brilliant marketing automation strategies and implement them to improve your business growth.

So, what are you waiting for?

Start configuring session replays in your marketing automation strategies as soon as possible.