5 tips to follow after an accident that injures you

If you have been in an accident, whether it involves a truck, car, boat, motorcycle, bicycle or dog, whether it happened inside someone’s home or at a commercial establishment, whether it happened during your free time or at your place of employment, there are some steps you need to take. These steps could not only safeguard you but help you have greater success at filing a claim.

Depending on the severity and extent of your injuries, and on how much you are able to move about, here are five tips to follow after you have been injured in an accident:

1. Check yourself thoroughly: Where were you hit? Do you have any broken bones? Are you bleeding? Because of the shock of having been in an accident and the adrenaline coursing through your body, you may not be fully aware of what just happened. You may also not start feeling any pain until later, once things have quieted down. Also, if there are others who were also injured, you need to determine how badly they were hurt. You may need to call 911 immediately.

2. Document the scene: Taking pictures immediately after the accident can be the best defense you have when it comes to filing a personal injury claim. Your insurance company may be able to understand better what happened at the scene of the accident thanks to these pictures. Also, you stand a better chance of your injury claim being approved, the more evidence you have.

3. Complete all medical treatment: If you need to be taken to the ER after your accident, and are then referred to a specialist, do not skip any appointments or stop any treatments mid-way.

4. Keep all paperwork and documentation you receive: This holds true particularly for any papers you receive from a medical professional or the police. You should also keep information on those who were witnesses to the accident.

5. Talk to your insurance company: This is a tricky point since, on the one hand, you do want your insurance to be by your side, but on the other, whatever you tell them or you agree to during that first call, may have consequences. Remember that your insurance company is not your friend and they will try to pay you as little as possible. If you are not sure you can deal with this call, reach out to your personal injury attorney in Fort Lauderdale who will make sure your claim is not refused.

While the previous steps are useful for all accidents, when it comes to an accident on the job, you should also report them to your supervisor as soon as possible or, if you are too injured to do so at the time, put it in writing no later than 30 days after the injuries occur.

One of the best things you can do after an accident is to call your lawyer so that you know how to proceed. Your personal injury attorney in Fort Lauderdale will also be able to tell you what’s best for your case. Listen to your personal injury attorney in Fort Lauderdale carefully and don’t be in a rush to get things resolved without hearing a professional opinion first. A Fort Lauderdale law firm like Friedland & Associates can provide a free consultation and give you advice as to how you can proceed.