What to Pack for a Long Car Trip

When planning a long car trip, whether you are set to travel in a Land Rover or even a Volvo for that matter, what you need to pack or what you should ideally tuck away somewhere is essentially going to be the same, no matter what car you venture out into the open in. But before you step foot outside, here's a few things you should pack with you for the journey.

Some Extra Cash

Just to be on the safe side, it's always a great idea to pack some essentials with you on the road, which in this case the most important would be cash. After all, there's not much you can do if you're stuck on the road with no food, no water and absolutely no breaks whatsoever – sounds like a nightmare to most people! Even if it's just £10, it's still better to drive on a full, happy stomach than to be grouchy and tired along the way. While money isn’t everything, it's quite a lot on the road.

First Aid Kit

Driving on the road often involves accidents, some of which are gauged beforehand but most are often unexpected, thus quite unpleasant to say the least. Packing a first aid kit in your car before heading out onto the open road will not only keep you covered when the unexpected happens, but it can also save a life – depending on how bad the accident is, of course.

An Instant Camera

Road trips are a quite the bundle; fun, enjoyable and relaxing all in one. But without a camera to capture the treasurable moments, you've no proof of a good time. Be sure to pack an instant camera when you plan on taking some time on the road, that way, you can keep the memories stored away to show people when you get back home.

A Phone Charger/USB Cord

The time when your phone starts to run on empty is one that nobody finds amusing, not only because you can't access your device during emergencies but also because without it, you've no access to your top playlists or even the latest music hits for that matter – and what a boring drive that'd be!

Water Bottle

Us humans can only go so long without replenishing our water intake, and while nothing quite quenches a thirst like an ice-cold, carbonated drinks, that can be a dangerous way to dehydrate yourself on the move. So, be sure to pack a water bottle or two for the journey just in case you run low on everything else you have packed away.


While you might be planning to stop along the way to your destination, packing small snacks with you is a good way of keeping yourself alert, while keeping other occupants happy at the same time. However, you should try to pack food and snacks that you know you'll enjoy, otherwise, topping up your energy will feel like a chore rather than a treat.