Camp Site Safety Guidance

If you run a caravan or a camping site, health and safety is of paramount importance. You need to make sure that all of your employees and all of your customers are safe. If they are not, this could come back to haunt you, as an injury will be inevitable. Nevertheless, this is not to say that health and safety management of such sites is easy. Read on to discover some useful tips that will help you out.

Needless to say, you always need to start out by conducting a risk assessment so that you can determine the potential hazards and dangerous at the site. We will look at some of these hazards below, as well as providing advice on control measures you can use.

Fire risk

There is only one place to begin when it comes to camping sites, and this is the risk of a fire. One of the most effective ways to minimise the fire risk is to make sure of equipment likeBearsavers hot coal containers. In addition to this, you need to ensure that there is sufficient separation between each unit. You should also have a maintenance regime for fire fighting equipment, which indicates that you also need to have fire hose reels and extinguishers available. Furthermore, vegetation should be kept cut back, and there should also not be any combustible storage beneath decking or caravans, nor should there by any combustible structures, including sheds, within the separation distance.

Slips, trips, and falls

Slips, trips, and falls result in the vast majority ofpersonal injury claims around the world. To reduce this risk, you need to make sure that all of the grounds and the play areas are maintained properly. You should make sure that there is plenty of safety signage around the site as well. Other measures you can take include the exclusion of animals, safe access routes around the site, suitable floor surface materials in play areas, which are repaired and replaced as necessary, as well as conducting regular safety checks around the site.

Carbon monoxide poisoning (CO)

The third and final risk we are going to address is carbon monoxide poisoning. Camping pods, as well as tents and caravans, need specific attention in this regard. For the latter, make sure you display advice at the retail point where BBQ’s are sold, used or rented. You also need to make sure that BBQs, naked flames, and gas heaters are prohibited from use within camping pods.

As you can see, there are many different factors that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to health and safety on caravan and camp sites. If you follow the advice that has been presented, you can reduce the chances of an accident occurring by a considerable degree.