Top 4 Pets for First Time Pet Owners

If you have never owned a furry friend or crawling critter, but have started to entertain the idea, there is a lot to consider. The choice shouldn’t be made lightly as to which animal you should adopt and call your own. Pets come with responsibility and obligation, much like a child. If you want to start off as first time pet owners with a pet that is a little easier to care for, one of these four pets could be just the right choice for your household.

  1. Rats

Despite the negative reputation rats have, they can make ideal pets. In fact, since they live in a cage, there is minimal space required to house them in your home and they don’t require long periods of attention from you. Caring for a rat is fairly straightforward--as long as you have its basic needs of food, shelter and exercise met, they will live happily as your house pet. Some of the work required includes cleaning out their cage and bedding regularly, providing an exercise toy, giving proper nutrition and talking to or playing with him to give social stimulation. Buying rats in pairs helps with socialization as well. Rats have a life expectancy of about 2 to 3 years.

2. Tropical Fish

Fish are always a simple pet to own, however, getting started with a tropical fish set-up can be costly depending how big you choose to go. You will need an aquarium, heater, pump and filter and tank decor such as gravel, plants, a light etc. From there, you can decide what kind of tropical fish you would like to raise. It is best to speak to a professional at a local fish store who can guide you through which fish can live happily together. Once you are set up, the only maintenance required is cleaning the tank from time to time (which can be reduced if you purchase an algae eating fish too) and daily feeding.

3. Budgie

Although these birds require a lot of socialization with you, as a first time pet they are fairly easy. A weekly cage cleaning will be needed to freshen up the cage as well as cleaning out water and food dishes. If you purchase a pair of budgies they won’t need as much attention from you and keep each other happy while you are away. Their life span is anywhere from 5 to 8 years and they cost little to have in your home. You may even be able to each your pet budgie a few short words.

4. Hedgehog

You may not have considered such a pet, but hedgehogs are fairly simple pets to care for and love. They are not social creatures like dogs, cats or other popular pets. They only require a safe enclosure to call their own and proper nutrition, which you should research and ask about at your local pet store. Other than that, they enjoy playing in their enclosure by themselves (do not put two together) and hiding out. They do require regular enclosure clean ups. The lifespan of a hedgehog is 5 to 7 years.

If you want to add a new member to your household but are nervous about the commitment and maintenance a pet requires, consider one of these top four pets as your first shot at pet ownership. You can ease yourself and family members into the world of fluffy friends and slithering sidekicks by choosing just the right pet for your lifestyle.