How to write Obama academic paper

Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States of America that was inaugurated in January 2009 and ended in January 2017. If you have to write an academic paper about this famous and bright person, at the very beginning you should figure out main rules of writing an academic paper.

Chose a topic

  • select a bright subject that interests you, only in this case you'd create a successful paper;
  • follow all requirements and instructions that your professor gave to you;
  • feel free to consult with your professor on those things you feel uncertain.

More ideas about choosing a right topic for your paper you can find on our website, where we put useful information to help you improve your writing abilities.

Plan your time thoroughly

If you want to write a good work in time, you need to make a schedule with terms for next steps:

  • research of the chosen subject;
  • reading information, taking notes, brainstorming ideas;
  • making your future paper's outline;
  • writing a draft;
  • proofreading, correcting errors, rewriting your draft.


This stage of work means gathering information about the chosen subject and sorting out all facts you have found. Needless to say you will found tons of information about Obama on internet. We suggest trusting only reliable sources, for example, Wikipedia:, and others. After you have found enough information, you can start read those articles that seem useful for writing your paper.

Reading and taking notes

While you're reading all information you've found, don't forget to make notes. Some articles and sources may seem useless, but other would be very important and useful in creating your future work. Write down any ideas that come to your head, because later you will use some of these ideas in writing. You can use these additional facts in writing an academic paper about Obama:

  • Barack Obama made reforms in health care, improving its quality and helping Americans save millions on prescription drugs;
  • He made tax cuts for several times during the presidency;
  • There were created millions of new jobs, so people had a great possibility to get the work;
  • Obama liquidated Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, withdrew forces from Iraq, and ended up the Afghanistan war;
  • In 2012, Barack Obama won his second term as USA president;
  • In 2015, Obama signed a nuclear peace convention with Iran;
  • Obama introduced an international climate change agreement to save the environment;
  • During his presidency, the partnership between EU and United States was launched;
  • The financial stability in the country was increased and improved thanks to Obama.

Making an outline

Your academic paper should consist of next parts:

  • introduction, where you have to put your thesis statement and provide readers with background information;
  • main part, where you develop the ideas of your paper and support them with strong evidence;
  • brief and clear conclusion, where you summarize all ideas and finish your work logically.

Writing a draft

When you created a clear outline, it's much easier to write the paper because you know where to start and you know to what point you need to go in the end. You'd not be able to write this work from the first draft, so be prepared to rewriting your draft for several times to improve your paper.


This is a very important part of your work because nobody would read the academic paper with errors. These are simple steps to revise and edit your work:

  • take a break for a day or two after writing;
  • read your work aloud to find logical errors or correct the document's structure;
  • make sure all paragraphs are logically connected;
  • make sure each paragraph contains one main idea;
  • give your paper to someone to read and comment on it;
  • check sentences structure and correct too long and complicated sentences by separating them into shorter and simpler;
  • check your document for misspelled words, correct mistakes;
  • make sure you deleted repeated words or whole repeated sentences that brings the same idea;
  • use online grammar services for checking your work and correcting mistakes.

We hope our tips will be helpful in creating a brilliant academic paper about Barack Obama. Of course, writing is a complicated and hard process that requires a lot of time, practice and good abilities. But the result worth of trying and spending your time. It's always great to impress your readers with a successful and bright work, so feel free to discover our website and find more professional advise for writing.