The Absolute Rules Of Compelling Content In Business

There are so many ways to use the internet to connect with your target market that it can genuinely be quite hard to keep up sometimes. But if you’ve been paying any attention, you’ve seen how the amount of content and blog posts on the internet has skyrocketed and just how much content has a brand name on it. There’s no doubt that content marketing can help a business build brand awareness and even a connection to the audience. That doesn’t mean you should rush off to start typing. There are a few absolute rules you need to learn first.

Pic by Negative Space

Crossing I’s and dotting T’s

If you haven’t mastered your use of spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing flow, then you need to take the time and practice. You can have some of the best ideas behind your content in the world, but it won’t matter. A professional grasp on language doesn’t just make you look professional. Using the right punctuation in the right place is essential to having your message be thoroughly understood. It doesn’t matter what device you’re using, don’t be lazy with grammar. You can easily use copy and paste sites to get all the characters you need to fully express your message.

Reliability is vital

When we talk about links, we’re primarily talking about the links, the images, and all the other additional touches you add to your content. Using links and images is an easy way to emphasize and add context to your image. But you need to make sure you’re using links and linking to images that lead to where they need to. Broken links and broken images make a site look immediately dated. You need to make sure any links you include are as trustworthy and as understandable as your content, too. If they aren’t, then your readers won’t trust your content as much, either.

All posts must have value

Now you have rules on laying out your post and making sure they’re ready to be viewed by the public. Does the substance of the post stand up in the eyes of the audience? There’s one question to ask yourself before you press ‘publish’ on any piece of content. What value does it have? A post needs to have a reason to be read. It could be amusing, it could be informative, it could solve a problem. Whatever value you choose is up to you, you just have to make sure you’re not publishing content that’s empty of reason.

Full disclosure

Blogs can be great tools for not only marketing yourself but marketing others in order to create another revenue stream for yourself. If you have affiliates or you’re using your position as an influencer in exchange for a free product, there is a certain conflict of interest that it is best to ensure you disclose. The internet has seen case after case of a commercial link between a content creator and a business that’s unveiled only after the content came out without any kind of disclosure. It’s a PR disaster you want to avoid.