What expect when you take an Island Hopping Adventure

Whether you’re traveling to the phillipines or Croatia or Hawaii, island hopping has become a favoite way to travel for many adventurers, single, couples, or families. If you plan to make island hopping part of your national or international travel, there are a few things you should expect.

Whether you use car ferries, personnel ferries, or plane travel to island hop, each way can be a fun and exciting way to see the world. Here are a few things you should expect when you’re planning to island hop.

Make sure you know the season

Traveling to most islands are best done during the right season. If you’re heading to Hawaii in winter and early, expect rain to be the daily occurrence. The warm weather makes the rain bearable for most tourists, but be prepared to dress appropriately and bring plenty of light clothing and talcum powder. The talcum powder helps areas that can chafe from moisture by helping to keep the areas dry. If you are traveling to the Phillipines during monsoon season, don’’t expect to leave your residence too often for a walking tour. Always check the season where you’ll be traveling to ensure you’ll enjoy your island hopping adventure.

Have an itinerary planned

Sometimes its great to show up in a country with no agenda but to explore the local area and meet the people. When you’re island hopping, you’ll most likely want to see the sights of each place and you’ll have only a certain amount of vacation time to use. If that’s the case for you, then you’ll want to have an itinerary. There are many companies who are more than willing to help you. Visiting Greek Islands now it is easy with Hostelbay. If you are visiting other destinations, be sure to read the reviews of each company to get the most value for your investment.

Buy travel insurance

Most likely your insurance doesn’t cover international travel and may not even cover incidences in Hawaii. It’s best to make sure you’ve got travel insurance for those times when stuff happens. If one of the children catches a cold or swlallows an unknown object on a dare, you’re going to want the insurance to cover a very expensive visits to the doctor. In case of something more catasrtophic, travel insurance will make sure you’re able to get the best care and get home safely.

Pre Book your hotel or hostel

If you’re traveling during the high tourist season, these places can sell out quickly. And you may not have a place to stay when you do arrive at your favorite island. Luckily, most hotels and hostels are online nowadays and you can book your stay well ahead of time. It also gives you time to get the best deals.

Pack for the differing island adventures

Each island you explore during your island hopping adventure might have diffferent activities to do. It’s best to pack multiuse clothes and items. However, you’ll want to pack light also, so you don’t have to lug multiple suitcases or bags to each destination. Layers for clothes and combination use personal items will go a long way toward helping you keep your packing light, but still prepared for the adventures.

Be aware they may not know English

Some out of the way island hopping adventures take you to places where tourists rarely visit. They may not know English, so there will be a significant language barrier. If you know your destinations may speak only their native tongue, you have a couple of choices. You can learn a new language online via software like Rosetta Stone. You can also load a translator on your electronic device and be able to at least get some words right. Or you can try to learn a few words from the locals when you get there and it’s clear you don’t understand their language. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the last one, but have known people you’be successfully navigated there adventure in this manner.

Read up on the culture, while you’re at it

Nothing screams tourist like someone who commutes a major cultural mistake like not belching at the table when you’re done with your meal. There are some cultures who consider it an insult to tip a waitstaff. It’s best to understand a bit about the culture you’re going to visit. Then, while you’re there, you can learn even more about the ins and outs of a different culture. Most native islanders sincerely appreciate your attempt at getting to know them and their culture and are willing to teach you more because of that..

It’s always best to be prepared when you travel, but especially if you’re planning an island hopping adventure.