3 useful widgets for website

Your website is your business card. It should be transparent, interesting and visually attractive. You can't overload it with information, but you can't leave the client without clear navigation. Check out the widgets we recommend, which will definitely facilitate this task.

Ascetic colors on the home page - web development company advises

Web development company advises that the start page on your website is above all transparent and visually attractive. Start with a consistent color scheme and remember to use as few colors as possible. "Colorful fairs" have long been out of fashion and do not attract the attention of customers, but do exactly the opposite. A consistent color and visual layer will certainly encourage the user to stay on the site and further explore the site. Besides, just by using one color guide, you are able to build clear navigation throughout the site.

Now let's get to the widgets

Once you know that the background color and all visual elements on the start page do not distract the user, you can start positioning widgets. But what widgets for a website should you choose? You certainly have a set of widgets on your website that are regularly used by users. A popular web development company advises which widgets are really useful and which ones should be placed prominently on the website.

  1. Newsletter widget

If you don't have this widget on your website yet, then it's time to catch up. The newsletter itself is a very helpful tool that is able to win you over with persistent and loyal users. By regularly publishing interesting content, you are able to maintain the interest of recipients, familiarize yourself with important information and curiosities from your industry, and above all, keep you updated on what is happening on your website.

Remember to include links to the materials you describe in the newsletter. However, the link to the newsletter should be in a place visible to the user, e.g. a side bar.

  1. Page comments widget

Another useful widget is - according to our friendly web development company - a link to the comments section. Users very often want to comment on the article, express their approval, share their opinion. Make it easy for them by placing the appropriate widget. The possibility of commenting makes the website more reliable, and you collect valuable feedback. However, you must also remember that the possibility of commenting carries the risk of unwanted comments - spam, trolling or profanity. Fortunately, and this is the advice, because there are tools that deal with such unwanted messages and delete them immediately.

  1. Improve your site's visibility on social media - widget

A website without links to social media will bring you less traffic than a website that you provide neat widgets. These buttons will take your users to the appropriate social media with just one click. If you need to extend the reach of your website, increase your visibility on the web, you will get it thanks to quick links to social media. You will see that thanks to good content and connection with social media you are able to achieve quite good results.